Kansas City Steaks

Kansas City Steaks
Kansas City Steak
While Kansas City has long had a reputation as a “cow town” it is well deserved due to the quality of the Kansas City steak. Whether it is due to the historic cattle lots that supplied the packing houses of Chicago or being centrally located to the starting points of the Hereford and Angus breeds in the United States, you can’t beat Kansas City steaks. At The Majestic Restaurant, we take pride in this history and pay tribute by serving only the finest Kansas City steaks. All of our Kansas City steaks are aged in town at L&C Meats, sourced from local producers, and from herds of Hereford and Angus cattle. These are the traditions that made Kansas City steaks legendary and they are preserved today at The Majestic Restaurant.
We are proud of the Kansas City steaks we serve at The Majestic Restaurant. We truly believe they are the best steaks we can offer. We do extensive research and frequently compare our steaks to those of other purveyors. This leaves us more convinced every time that you cannot buy a better Kansas City steak than the ones we serve at The Majestic Restaurant. This is also why we dedicate so much space on this website to talking about our traditional Kansas City steaks. We are proud of the steaks we serve and not too shy to brag.
There are several pages on this website dedicated to explaining why we serve a premium Kansas City steak. If you take some time to learn about the steaks we serve, you will know why we feel we offer the best Kansas City steak you can find anywhere. The links below will provide you with some of the reasons why we feel that way.
Find out why Dry Aging makes for the best Kansas City steak.
Learn about L&C Meats, the official Kansas City steak purveyor of The Majestic Restaurant.
Determine the best Kansas City steak cut for your personal tastes.
Read about the temperature specifications we use for cooking our steaks.
Discover the best sauce and accompaniment for your Kansas City steak.
Then, Make your reservation to find out for yourself why we are so proud of the Kansas City steak selections at The Majestic Restaurant.

We invite you in to The Majestic Restaurant to try a Kansas City steak and find out why we feel they are the best steaks you can find.